By: Hideyuki Furuhashi
Illustrator: Betten Court
Translator: Caleb Cook
Release Date:
Publisher: VIZ Media LLC
Series: My Hero Academia: Vigilantes #4
Received From: Publisher
(All reviews are our own, honest opinions.)
The adventure continues in My Hero Academia: Vigilantes, Vol. 4 by Hideyuki Furuhashi and Betten Court. This is the fourth volume in a series following several vigilante heroes set several years before the main series takes place. Wonderful new characters and old favorites grace the pages in this action packed, suspenseful manga.
The quirk boosting drug called Trigger is still being distributed in Naruhata, and our favorite vigilantes (and heroes) are still on the case. This volume balances the vigilante heroism with some quieter moments. More of Knuckleduster’s past is revealed, and his motivations at vigilantism are easier to see.
Meanwhile, Pop Step was invited to perform at the reopening of a new mall in the area. With Makoto Tsukauchi’s she needs to wow an audience in a much more formal venue than her usual street performances. As always with our heroes, things exactly go as planned.
While the chapters following Knuckleduster were very good and, arguably, more directly pertaining to the overarching plot, I found myself enjoying the mall reopening scenes a bit more. These scenes show some good character growth from Pop Step. And, maybe more importantly, show how both the Vigilantes and the Heroes take measures to protect ordinary citizens at large (and smaller) events that have the possibility of being targeted by Villains.
Several pro heroes who normally grace the pages of My Hero Academia make an appearance in this volume. Their inclusion never feels forced. On the contrary, it makes the world feel more fully realized and shows the similarities and differences between the Pro Heroes and Vigilantes in starker contrast.
Fans of My Hero Academia as well as those curious about the world its set in will both love My Hero Academia: Vigilantes, Vol. 4 by Hideyuki Furuhashi and Betten Court. If you haven’t started the series yet, I urge you to give it a try.
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