By: Craig Schaefer
Release Date: July 30, 2015
Publisher: Dememionde Books
Series: Daniel Faust Book 5
When this story starts things are bad for our hero. He’s on his way to jail but something isn’t right. Not just the fact that he didn’t commit the crime he’s going to jail for but the memory of it for everyone around him. Someone is messing with the universe and making Faust the main victim.
Still trying to avoid spoilers and therefore failing at posting reviews. But here we go, trying again.
Continued character growth, tone and humor continue to make this series shine. Daniel, ever in his moral gray area, lets more darkness come in as he works to escape his current predicament. He’s harsher, has less time for people’s BS and is willing to do what he must to get out. The same goes for Caitlin whose passion, loyalty and badass nature comes on full display in this book.
And, I’ve said it a million times, I love the tone and humor with Daniel. He’s crisp and sharp, cynical and funny at the same time.
So let’s be clear, Faust is in jail but there was no trial. At least, there was one that the public remembers, that Daniel’s entire friend group and family remembers, but he doesn’t. Because, it didn’t happen. Someone manipulated memory and time to make everyone believe he’d had a trial and been convicted.
The reality is the exact opposite. And, while Daniel is trying to get out of prison, the Chicago mob has moved into Vegas and is taking over.
This book is heavy, start to finish, there is a lot going on and there are characters we meet and lose (read: character death) in this book. The story is fantastic (as always) but there is so much going on and so many moving pieces I found myself re-reading portions to make sure I understood what had just happened and who knew the truth.
Essentially this is a bad-ass jail break story with magic, an angry Scottish demon and further proof that Daniel’s family and friends are the best.
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