By: Melinda Leigh
Website: https://melindaleigh.com/
Release Date: March 19th, 2019
Publisher: Montlake Romance
Series: Morgan Dane
Here we are with book number five in the series and I really couldn’t be more pleased to say that I enjoyed this book just as I have every other book so far. Morgan, Lance and Sharp make an incredible team and I adore their dedication to finding the truth, to their clients and to each other.
This book we learn more about Lance and see how he connects to those he cares about, not only with how he handles a gross variety of the flu but also how he is connected to the boys on the hockey team he coaches.
When the phone rings Lance is informed that one of his players, Evan Meade, is missing and his new stepfather, a retired deputy sheriff, is found shot dead in his own home. With tensions high, a troubled past and now missing everyone believes Evan may be to blame for the death but Lance and Evan’s mother Tina agree that he must be innocent, no matter what the evidence looks like.
As we learn more about Lance and his connection to the boys on his team we also get to see a new character, Olivia Cruz, come in and turn Sharp’s world upside down. Olivia is a reporter and her determination and take no prisoners attitude, while frustrating to Sharp, also draws him to her even if he won’t admit it. I loved seeing Sharp out of his element with someone who can keep up with him as well as attract him with her brilliance just as much as her beauty. Honestly, I’m cheering for this pairing from the start.
As the twists and turns in this story take pace I found myself flipping pages quickly and wanting answers now because I had to know the truth and I had to be sure all of my favorite characters were okay. There is one more book after this in the series and while part of me hopes we aren’t coming to the end I could see how Melinda Leigh is tying things up and getting ready to let the characters live on in our memories. I’m both excited to see a possible ending and sad to see it coming.
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