By: Melinda Leigh
Website: https://melindaleigh.com/
Release Date: September 26th, 2017
Publisher: Montlake Romance
Series: Morgan Dane
Book two of the Morgan Dane series and I’m still obsessed. When young mother Chelsea Clark goes out for a girls’ night and never comes home Morgan and Lance begin their own search for answers as the local police chief, more of a figurehead than a helpful member of law enforcement, drops the ball on finding her. Lance and Morgan have to scramble as Morgan’s own family becomes a target.
I have to say the layering of the plots and the characters in this series is fantastic. We get just enough to care about each character while still being closely tied to our lead characters. I really felt for Tim Clark (the husband of the missing woman) and the glimpses into Chelsea’s captivity were startling and gut wrenching.
In this second book I fell more in love with the idea of Lance and Morgan as a couple, especially as Morgan’s own children warmed up to Lance during all the chaos.
The pace, tension and driving narrative had me turning page after page in this installment and I couldn’t believe it when I’d reached the end. So, I immediately bought the third book and pressed on. If you’re a fan of romantic suspense you should already know Melinda Leigh’s name and if you’re just joining the genre, I’d suggest starting here.
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