By: Deborah Harkness
Website: https://deborahharkness.com/
Release Date: July 10th, 2012
Publisher: Viking Adult
Series: All Souls Trilogy
Award: Goodreads Choice Award for Paranormal Fantasy and Nominee for Goodreads Author (2012)
So, as if the world of fantasy wasn’t enough for Deborah Harkness we pick up amid time travel with Diana and Matthew as they are now in Elizabethan London.
Diana is looking for a tutor to help her grow her magical skill, Matthew is looking for answers in his past and both of them are focused on finding out more about Ashmole 782.
I’ll admit that this book felt a little too long and that I found myself wanting to “get it over with” at times but each time that happened something interesting took place and I was sucked back into the side of liking the story.
Overall not a bad installment but can feel myself straining with this series now. Also, Matthew is insufferable and far too cliche with the tortured vampire trope. I understand the reasons he is dark and brooding but, seriously now, how many times can he go on and on about how dangerous he is, how he’s lost people he loves, etc.
The cameos by historical figures were entertaining in this installment and I enjoyed those funny little moments of humanizing them.
All in all, not a bad book. Not a great book. As a part two in a trilogy it was okay but I’m worried my enjoyment for this series is dwindling.
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