2022 Review – Brittney’s Top 10 Books of 2022

    Okay, let’s face, I’m not consistent with writing reviews but I am consistent with a few key things in my life. Drinking water, taking my allergy medicine and reading every day are all things I’m good at. Writing reviews? Not so much. Could I blame this on the fact that I work overtime pretty much every week? Yes. Should I work on being more consistent? Also yes.

    So, here we are in April 2023, with me finally posting my list of favorite books from 2022. I read 138 books in 2022 and here are my top 10.

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    Review – The Dating Dilemma (Mile High Firefighters #2)

    The Dating Dilemma The Dating Dilemma (Mile High Firefighters #2)
    By: Mariah Ankenman
    Website: https://mariahankenman.com/
    Release Date: January 24th, 2022
    Publisher: Entangled Publishing, LLC (Amara)
    Series: Mile High Firefighters #2

    Let me begin by saying this: sometimes you just need a fun, light, cute story when the real world sucks. Given how the real world has sucked the last couple years I was definitely in the mood for something sweet and, after having stumbled across Mariah Ankenman’s Instagram a while back, I found her to be an author worth following, not only because of her works but because she wants to have fun while writing and while talking about her works/ writing them. She makes fun of herself, she makes fun of people who look down on romance novels and she tells the realities of writing and publishing books. What more could a reader/ wannabe author want from a fellow author’s page?

    Through my adventures of following Mariah I saw she posted about The Dating Dilemma being available for ARC readers through NetGalley and I immediately went to NetGalley and requested the chance to read it. Once given the chance I dove into it and finished the story in a little more than a day (mostly because, apparently, I need sleep.)

    While, yes, Mariah’s novel about Lexi, a youth center worker, and Dyson, a gorgeous firefighter with a wounded heart, is the epitome of sugary-sweetness, Hallmark movie level heart-tugs and a mix of spicy goodness, the story itself is complete and strong. While this is number two in the series (I haven’t read number one yet but I will be going back) I didn’t need to read book number one to understand book number two. The world and spaces within it that these two characters inhabit was complete, fleshed out and with enough layers that I could attach myself to the characters quickly without feeling like I was missing out on some details.

    If you’re looking for a sweet story, wish some heat and a nice cast of characters definitely check out The Dating Dilemma.

    Thanks to NetGalley, Mariah Ankenman, and Entangled Publishing for the advanced copy of The Dating Dilemma.

    Review – The Quantum Weirdness of the Almost-Kiss

    The Quantum Weirdness of the Almost-Kiss
    By: Amy Noelle Parks
    Website: https://amynoelleparks.com/
    Release Date: January 5th, 2021
    Publisher: Harry N. Abrams

    When I saw this book cover on NetGalley I found it cute and simple, a clean cover that drew my eye. A cute story about the chaos around teenage romance made me feel like it was a good idea to jump into a less serious story.

    Caleb and Evie have been friends for years, best friends, but everyone around them feels that they have to be more than friends. Evie has never really been interested in dating, instead focusing on her love of math (I can’t relate) and her struggles with anxiety (100% can relate).

    When a new guy shows up suddenly Caleb is in a panic, realizing that maybe is finally interested in dating but not dating him. The truth comes out – Caleb is in love. Here comes the love triangle.

    Review: And I Darken (The Conqueror’s Saga #1)

    And I Darken
    By: Kiersten White
    Website: http://kierstenwrites.blogspot.com/
    Release Date: June 28th, 2016
    Publisher: Delacorte Press
    Series: The Conqueror's Saga

    I’m not going to lie to everyone – sometimes I do judge books by their cover. When I saw this cover in particular I was drawn in by the dagger and flower petals. I’m also a sucker for simple titles.

    In the time of the Ottoman Empire we follow the story of Lada and Radu, princess and prince of Wallachia as they are taken from their home and abandoned by their father to be raised in the Ottoman Courts (as part of a deal between the empires). To everyone’s surprise these two outsiders become close friends with Mehmed, the son of the Ottoman sultan.

    #MangaMonday Review – A Tropical Fish Yearns for Snow, Vol. 2 by Makoto Hagino

    A Tropical Fish Yearns for Snow, Vol. 2 A Tropical Fish Yearns for Snow, Vol. 2
    By: Makoto Hagino
    Illustrator: Makoto Hagino (Illustrations); Eve Grandt (touch-up & lettering)
    Translator: John Werry
    Release Date: February 11, 2020
    Publisher: Viz Media
    Series: A Tropical Fish Yearns for Snow #2
    Received From: Publisher
    (All reviews are our own, honest opinions.)

    A lovely yuri manga by Makoto Hagino, A Tropical Fish Yearns for Snow, Vol. 2 is a slow-burn contemporary romance that’s sure to give you the warm fuzzies. This volume follows the 2019 English release of volume 1, and the original Japanese release in 2017 by Kadokawa.

    #MangaMonday Review – A Tropical Fish Yearns for Snow, Vol. 1 by Makoto Hagino

    A Tropical Fish Yearns for Snow, Vol. 1 A Tropical Fish Yearns for Snow, Vol. 1
    By: Makoto Hagino
    Illustrator: Makoto Hagino; Eve Grandt (touch-up and lettering)
    Translator: John Werry
    Release Date: November 12, 2019
    Publisher: VIZ Media LLC
    Series: A Tropical Fish Yearns for Snow #1
    Received From: Publisher
    (All reviews are our own, honest opinions.)

    A Tropical Fish Yearns for Snow, Vol. 1 by Makoto Hagino is a sweet yuri slice-of-life manga. Amano Konatsu is the new girl in town, living with her aunt while her father works overseas. The first day in her new town, Amano stumbles onto an event at her new school held by a club that runs a small aquarium. Koyuki Honami is the head of the club, and Amano can’t help but be instantly drawn to her and her fascinating club.

    #UltimateBlogTour Review – A Different Time by Michael K. Hill

    A Different Time by Michael K. Hill A Different Time
    By: Michael K. Hill
    Release Date: July 2, 2019
    Publisher: Tangent Press
    Received From: Publisher
    (All reviews are our own, honest opinions.)

    A Different Time by Michael K. Hill is a standalone novel that is sure to tug on heartstrings. The novel is set in two time periods – present day and 1989. Each time features a different protagonist. In the present day Keith Nolan finds a home video VHS. On that VHS is a young woman recording a sort of diary – a young woman he finds he can speak to. That young woman is Lindsey Hale. Living with her mother and stepfather, Lindsey is looking for her place in the world, a vocation to follow. In limbo and living with a man she doesn’t like and doesn’t trust, she turns to recording her thoughts on VHS tapes.

    #MangaMonday Review – Snow White with the Red Hair, Vol. 1 by Sorata Akiduki

    Snow White with the Red Hair Volume 1 Snow White with the Red Hair, Vol. 1
    By: Sorata Akiduki
    Illustrator: Sorata Akiduki (Illustrator); Brandon Bovia (Touch-Up art & Lettering)
    Translator: Caleb Cook
    Release Date: May 7, 2019
    Publisher: Viz Media LLC
    Series: Snow White with the Red Hair
    Received From: Publisher
    (All reviews are our own, honest opinions.)

    Snow White with the Red Hair, Vol. 1 by Sorata Akiduki is a fantasy manga that inspired a two season anime adaptation of the same name. This is the mangaka’s first series, her other work being the series Manual to Teenage Life.

    Review – The Magpie Lord by K. J. Charles

    The Magpie Lord
    By: K.J. Charles
    Release Date: September 3, 2013
    Publisher: Samhain
    Series: A Charm of Magpies #1

    The Magpie Lord by K.J. Charles is the first book in the A Charm of Magpie series. This is a Victorian Gothic Horror novel filled with magic, mystery, and love. Lucien Vaudrey returns from his exile in China to his family estates in England as the new Lord after the deaths of his father and brother. Along with the title and land, Lucien gains the enemies of his father and brother. Someone is trying to kill him, and Stephen Day, local magician, is called in for assistance. Stephen soon finds himself falling for the fascinating earl, but there’s no time for that. Not with a foreboding sense of evil in the old mansion, a ghost, and unknown enemies trying to kill them – both of them.

    #MangaMonday Review – Candy Color Paradox, Vol. 1 by Isaku Natsume

    Candy Color Paradox, Vol. 1
    By: Isaku Natsume
    Illustrator: Isaku Natsume (Art); Vanessa Satone (Touch-up & Lettering); Yukiko Whitley (Cover & Graphic Design)
    Translator: Adrienne Beck
    Release Date: March 12, 2019
    Publisher: SuBLime
    Series: Candy Color Paradox #1
    Received From: Publisher
    (All reviews are our own, honest opinions.)

    Released in English for the first time this week, Candy Color Paradox, Vol. 1 by Isaku Natsume is a yaoi manga. Satoshi Onoe is a reporter. One morning he’s given a new partner for stakeouts. Motoharu Kaburagi is a great photographer who uses every unconventional method there is and an attitude Onoe simply can’t stand. But as the unwilling partners get to know one another, their attitudes towards each other begin to change and they begin to grow closer.