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Hi All,
Well 2020 was a bit of a rollercoaster, wasn’t it? I know I’m not alone in thinking this but it has to be acknowledged all the same. The chaos we all went through led to a lot of ups and downs and perhaps one of the few high points for me was that I got a lot more reading done this year.
My original goal was 110 books and I managed to read 114. On January 1st, 2020 I thought my goal of 110 books was a huge stretch, little did I know a global pandemic would cut out the few social things I used to do that prevented me from reading. The pandemic also provided nightmare fuel for me which mean insomnia was the worst it has ever been which inevitably led to the thought of, “Well if I can’t sleep I might as well read that book I started earlier.” Most nights I was up until around 4 AM reading which, while not the healthiest coping mechanism and definitely horrible for my health in other ways it did allow me to reach one goal in 2020.
So, out of 114 books below are my top 10.
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