Review Pennyblade by J.L. Worrad

Banner showing the front cover of Pennyblade and blog tour dates and blogs Pennyblade
By: J.L.Worrad
Release Date: March 15, 2022
Publisher: Titan Books
Received From: Publisher
(All reviews are our own, honest opinions.)

Pennyblade is a new standalone novel from author and screenplay writer J.L. Worrad. This is a low fantasy, a story definitively set in a world that is not our own but one with little of the intense, formal magic systems so often found in the genre. Instead, what we have is a plot driven by politics, old families vying for power, and whispers of an old, terrifying being that may be all too real.

Berserk’s Kentaro Miura

    Image of Guts sitting with his back against the scenery and his sword beside him.

    I’ve been sitting here starting a blinking cursor for a while now, trying to put words to paper on the passing of Kentaro Miura, the creator of the famed manga Berserk. I don’t think I can put it any better than what I’ve already said in my article “Kentaro Miura & Berserk: Finding Hope in Insurmountable Darkness” for Funimation. But write-ups for other websites come with things like word counts, so here’s a little more on my experience with Berserk and the passing of one of the great creators of our time.

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    Review – Blackwing by Ed McDonald

    By: Ed McDonald
    Release Date: October 3, 2017
    Publisher: Ace Books
    Series: Raven's Mark #1
    Received From: Publisher
    (All reviews are our own, honest opinions.)

    Ed McDonald explodes onto the scene with the strongest debut novel I have read all year. Blackwing is the first novel in a new series featuring a world torn apart by a war that cannot be won against creatures who cannot die.