Review The Witnesses Are Gone by Joel Lane

The Witnesses Are Gone
By: Joel Lane
Release Date: October 1, 2022
Publisher: Influx Press
Award: Shirley Jackson Award Nominee for Novella (Finalist, 2009); British Fantasy Award Nominee for Best Novella (2010)
Received From: Publisher
(All reviews are our own, honest opinions.)

The widely acclaimed The Witnesses Are Gone by Joel Lane finds new life with Influx Press’s 2022 printing. It is of little wonder this novella was nominated for multiple awards upon its first printing, namely as a finalist for the Shirley Jackson Award for Novella in 2009 and a nominee for the British Fantasy Award Nominee for Best Novella in 2010. This is an engrossing, all-consuming tale that pulls readers into the strange, unknown world of Jean Rien and the old movies which may or may not exist at all.

Review — Hex by Thomas Olde Heuvelt

Woman in a tattered dress floating near rooftops with birds flying in an eerie green sky. Hex
By: Thomas Olde Heuvelt
Release Date: September 21, 2021
Publisher: Tor Nightfire
Series: Robert Grim #1

Horror author Thomas Olde Heuvelt flexes his abilities to leave readers shaking in terror in his latest novel, Hex. Traditional hauntings, the reverberations of the US’s witch trials, and an exploration of the darker aspects of humanity are blended beautifully into a novel that is simultaneously unputdownable and will have you sleeping with all the lights on. Like many books that rise above their brethren, Hex is much more than the sum of its parts.

2022 Review – Brittney’s Top 10 Books of 2022

    Okay, let’s face, I’m not consistent with writing reviews but I am consistent with a few key things in my life. Drinking water, taking my allergy medicine and reading every day are all things I’m good at. Writing reviews? Not so much. Could I blame this on the fact that I work overtime pretty much every week? Yes. Should I work on being more consistent? Also yes.

    So, here we are in April 2023, with me finally posting my list of favorite books from 2022. I read 138 books in 2022 and here are my top 10.

    More …

    Review — All the Horses of Iceland by Sarah Tolmie

    All the Horses of Iceland
    By: Sarah Tolmie
    Release Date: March 1, 2022

    Sarah Tolmie—author, poet, and writer of sonnets—brings us a novella combining fantasy and historical fiction that captures all the feel of an old tale found in an ancient, labyrinthine library. As a medievalist, Tolmie’s knowledge of the time period and literature of the age are keenly apparent in All the Horses of Iceland.

    Review — Road of Bones by Christopher Golden

    A road lines with snow-covered, frozen trees. Road of Bones
    By: Christopher Golden
    Release Date: January 25, 2022
    Publisher: St. Martin's Press

    Award-winning author Christopher Golden’s newest horror novel depicts a cold, frozen landscape that mimics the January landscape of its release date. Road of Bones follows a two-man filming crew as they traverse the Siberian landscape in order to make a documentary about the most northern place still inhabited by humans. However, the only road there is Kolyma Highway, otherwise known as the Road of Bones, for those who died during the road’s construction were simply laid down and buried in the permafrost beneath it.

    Review — The Cat Who Saved Books by Sosuke Natsukawa

    Front cover of the novel The Cat Who Saved Books by Sosuke Natsukawa The Cat Who Saved Books
    By: Sosuke Natsukawa
    Translator: Louise Heal Kawai
    Release Date: December 7, 2021
    Publisher: HarperVia

    Books about books is a genre that many if not most readers often find themselves drawn to. This is true for The Cat Who Saved Books by Sosuke Natsukawa’s novel as well. Translated from the original Japanese by Louise Heal Kawai, this is a Japanese novel about Rintaro Natsuki, a young man whose grandfather has recently passed away. His life is immediately upended, as his grandfather was also his guardian.

    Review — Moonstruck Volume 1: Magic to Brew

    Front cover of graphic novel Moonstruck Volume 1: Magic to Brew Moonstruck Vol. 1: Magic to Brew
    By: Grace Ellis, Shae Beagle
    Illustrator: Caitlin Quirk, Clayton Cowles
    Release Date: February 14, 2018
    Publisher: Image Comics
    Series: Moonstruck (Volume 1)

    Graphic novel series Moonstruck is a young adult series that combines fantasy and mystery with an LGBTQ+ cast. Written by Grace Ellis and Shae Beagle and illustrated by Caitlin Quirk and Clayton Cowles, this is a series that has graced many “best of” and “you need to read this” lists on professional and fan sites for several years.

    Blog Tour — The Shadow Glass by Josh Winning

    The Shadow Glass
    By: Josh Winning
    Release Date: March 22, 2022
    Publisher: Titan Books
    Received From: Publisher
    (All reviews are our own, honest opinions.)

    New standalone fantasy novel The Shadow Glass by Josh Winning is a surefire hit for fans of The Dark Crystal, stories that explore loss, and high-stakes adventures. This novel is, first and foremost, a love letter to fantasy movies involving puppets, with The Dark Crystal at the top of the list. Yet, this is a case of a story being so much more than the sum of its parts, the sort of story that comes to life, leaps off the page, and lingers long after you’ve read the final page.

    Review Pennyblade by J.L. Worrad

    Banner showing the front cover of Pennyblade and blog tour dates and blogs Pennyblade
    By: J.L.Worrad
    Release Date: March 15, 2022
    Publisher: Titan Books
    Received From: Publisher
    (All reviews are our own, honest opinions.)

    Pennyblade is a new standalone novel from author and screenplay writer J.L. Worrad. This is a low fantasy, a story definitively set in a world that is not our own but one with little of the intense, formal magic systems so often found in the genre. Instead, what we have is a plot driven by politics, old families vying for power, and whispers of an old, terrifying being that may be all too real.

    Review — The Midnight Library by Matt Haig

    scenes outside airplane-style windows The Midnight Library
    By: Matt Haig
    Release Date: August 13, 2020
    Publisher: Viking
    Award: Goodreads Choice Award for Fiction 2020

    Matt Haig is well-known for his nonfiction and self-help books. New to his repertoire is fiction, this time in the form of the international bestseller The Midnight Library. This standalone novel is a cross-section of contemporary fiction, fantasy, self-help, and multiple world line theory.