Today, I want to give a huge shout-out to The Write Reads blogger group and Dave, the tireless lover-of-books and supporter-of-bloggers who runs things.
More …Today, I want to give a huge shout-out to The Write Reads blogger group and Dave, the tireless lover-of-books and supporter-of-bloggers who runs things.
More …Set in the Bel Dame Apocrypha series, Apocalypse Nyx is a collection of five stories set at various points in time throughout the series. Author Kameron Hurley has previously released two of the included stories on her Patreon. Here, they are collected with three others as a part of a series of books about Nyx and her band of misfits.
Combining mystery with magical realism, Go with the Clouds, North by Northwest, Vol. 1 is the latest manga by Aki Irie whose other works include manga series Ran and the Gray World and Ultramarine Schooldays. This series follows a seventeen-year-old main character Kei Miyama, a half-Japanese boy living with his French grandfather in Iceland.
August is Women in Translation Month, a month dedicated to promoting and reading women author’s whose works can be found in translation. Once again, the Women in Translation Readathon is upon us. The readathon begins August 25, 2019 and runs through August 31, 2019. This readathon is run by BookTubers Matthew Sciarappa and Kendra Winchester.
More …A surreal novella by debut author Nial Giacomelli, The Therapist is a story of grief and loss, how it is processed, and how it affects us. The novella is a new addition to Fairlight Books Fairlight Moderns series, featuring a beautiful cover and art by Sam Kalda who has won and been nominated for awards such as The Society of Illustrators Gold Medal, the World Illustration Awards, and Young Illustrator Awards. Two guides, one for reading groups and one for writing groups, can be found for The Therapist as a part of the Fairlight Moderns series.
The second volume of My Hero Academia’s light novel series features short stories of class 1-A just prior to and during the Training Camp Arc in the manga. My Hero Academia: School Briefs, Vol. 2: Training Camp is written by Anri Yoshi with illustrations by Kohei Horikoshi. This light novel series is a spin-off of the manga My Hero Academia with chapters taking place between moments readers have previously seen. The second volume of My Hero Academia’s light novel series features short stories of class 1-A just prior to and during the Training Camp Arc.
My Hero Academia, Vol. 20 by Kohei Horikoshi combines the ending of an action-packed fight and the fun and chaos of a school festival. This volume wraps up the school festival arc, leaving the next volume to begin an entirely new story arc.
Recently released on Tor.com is a short story worth being shouted about from the rooftops. For He Can Creep by Siobhan Carroll, who’s other short fiction can be found in many anthologies, can be read in its entirety for free on Tor.com. The tale is a short story set in an asylum in the 1700s told from the point of view of Jeoffry, the cat of a poet who was committed to the asylum some time before.
Many manga come and go from the pages of Shonen Jump magazine. Some have decades long runs and become foundation works within the genre. Others find themselves canceled rather unceremoniously. At only 19 chapters, ne0;lation written by Tomohide Hirao and art by Mizuki Yoda is a manga that, I believe, was canceled too soon. What few reviews I’ve found on this newer addition to Shonen Jump rate it rather mediocrely – a manga that wasn’t terrible but didn’t keep their attention either.
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