Tales of the Abyss: Asch the Bloody Vol 1 By: Hana Saito; Rin Niyjo
Release Date: August 23, 2011
Publisher: Bandai Entertainment
Series: Tales of the Abyss: Asch the Bloody
I’ll be honest. I think I may have actually squealed out loud when I discovered Tales of the Abyss: Asch the Bloody in their manga collection. I have been a fan of the ‘Tales of’ games for a long time, and Tales of the Abyss remains my favorite of the franchise. Though I initially picked it up out of pure fandom, I found myself intrigued upon reading the description. Tales of the Abyss: Asch the Bloody by Hana Saito and Rin Niyjo follows the story set in the game not from the point of view of Luke, the original main character, but that of Asch, one of the villains and someone very close to Luke.
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