With the year drawing to a close, there’s only a few more Friday Reads to go. This weekend I’ll be trying to catch up on some arcs from 2019 I haven’t read yet. Or…that’s what I want to say. Goodreads keeps informing me that there’s still 11 days to the end of the year and I can definitely meet my reading goal.
More …Hello, all! I know its been a little quiet here the last few weeks, but that’s because there’s been so many awesome things happening. I was temping for Scholastic for the past two months which was amazing. While that venture might be coming to a close, there’s plenty of interesting things in the pipeline!
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The N.E.W.T.s Readathon has officially ended, and I am here today with a wrap up. For those who don’t know, this readathon is hosted by Book Roast and is based on the N.E.W.T.s from Harry Potter. The prompts you read books for are based off of what you read during the O.W.L.s Readathon earlier in the year.
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Today, I want to give a huge shout-out to The Write Reads blogger group and Dave, the tireless lover-of-books and supporter-of-bloggers who runs things.
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August is Women in Translation Month, a month dedicated to promoting and reading women author’s whose works can be found in translation. Once again, the Women in Translation Readathon is upon us. The readathon begins August 25, 2019 and runs through August 31, 2019. This readathon is run by BookTubers Matthew Sciarappa and Kendra Winchester.
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By: Tomohide Hirao
Illustrator: Mizuki Yoda
Translator: Christine Dashiell
Release Date: Dec 10, 2018 to Apr 27, 2019
Publisher: Shonen Jump
Many manga come and go from the pages of Shonen Jump magazine. Some have decades long runs and become foundation works within the genre. Others find themselves canceled rather unceremoniously. At only 19 chapters, ne0;lation written by Tomohide Hirao and art by Mizuki Yoda is a manga that, I believe, was canceled too soon. What few reviews I’ve found on this newer addition to Shonen Jump rate it rather mediocrely – a manga that wasn’t terrible but didn’t keep their attention either.

I am a bit late on this TBR considering the Reading Rush readathon has already started, but I wanted to share what I’ll be reading over the course of the next week. Reading Rush is an annual readathon hosted by BookTubers Ariel Bissett and Raeleen Lemay. The readathon was begun in 2013 under the name “BookTubeAThon,” but changed names this year.
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The summer months are my favorite time to read horror novels. Yes, summer. I know it sounds odd. Horror novels aren’t something usually associated with summertime. Contemporaries and romances are usually the sort of books that pop up on any given ‘best summer reads’ list.
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Here we are again with a short list of fictional podcasts that are perfect for audiobook lovers. These are podcasts that tell a fictional story, most often in a serialized format. Everything I recommend is something I’ve listened to either to completion or am fully caught up with newly released episodes.
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