By: Marie Lu
Release Date: November 5, 2013
Publisher: Putnam Juvenile
Series: Legend, Book #3
Again, this time I didn’t tear through Champion. I was anxious to read this book and finish the series so once I got past the second chapter I went through it fairly quickly.
We open with Day and June apart, Day working within the military and June as the Princeps-Elect. As the Republic struggles towards a peace treaty with the Colonies a biohazard plague starts ripping through the Colonies.
With the treaty on the line June reaches out to Day to ask him to risk the person he loves the most, his brother, for finding a cure. Eden’s blood may have the cure, but can June and Day’s splintered friendship and even more complicated romantic history withstand the challenge of secret plots, traitors and unforeseen alliances?
If the challenges facing him weren’t enough Day is struggling with his own deteriorating health while June must decide, once and for all, which side she is loyal to. With the country and their relationship on the line, the final book is a good ride through Marie Lu’s world.
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